Thursday 29 December 2011

What is Globalisation?

Globalisation is a topic which absolutely fascinates me. The idea of one Government controlling the world and it's economies, reducing the need for Local or National Governments.

The Definition Of Globalisation isn't what I expected by any means:

"1; The process of enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communications 2; the emergence since the 1980's of a single world market dominated by multinational companies, leading to a diminishing capacity for national governments to control their economies 3; the process by which a company, etc, expands to operate internationally."
What does this mean?

Well the majority is financial Jargon, referring to one financial market dominated by large multi-national companies.

But as most of you realise money is what makes the world go round, so essentially if these deregulations occur, and the control of national economies is released by national governments then what would remain? The answer is simple A world Government.

What would this mean for you and me?

Well the world would not be as we know it now. In theory, Globalisation is not a bad thing. However this will depend on your ideals. In and ideal world this would end war, why? Simple, if there is only one Government there would be no other nation fight.

Globalisation could also mean the end of "the North-South Divide" which would in theory equalise third world countries. I'm sure you realise this would be an incredible thing, no more world hunger or famine. Fantastic.

Another bonus all though relatively insignificant, if you like to travel, there would of course be a single world currency so no more confusion when buying products abroad or even no need to change your money to a different currency!

However there is always a bad side to everything.

to be continued....

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